Tuesday 11 November 2008


Halloween was.................a blast! And, over a week ago. Took me awhile to get these photos up, for 2 reasons. One, I'm lazy. Two, once I got over my laziness I realized William transferred all our photos to an external harddrive. This postponed it another few days, although, as I just found out, it's simple to retrieve them- it's just a usb connection. Anywho, my flatmates and I hosted a small Hallween get-together. We had a few friends over and a LOT of food. It was a good combination. In hwa and Johanna stole the show- they (apparently) have never carved pumpkins before but they turned out awesome. They even looked good yesterday when we got around to throwing their moldy remains out. Another highlight was In Hwa trying on my diet coke costume- we toasted the costume with- what else- a diet coke.


AJK said...

Cute pumpkins!

Francie said...

DC + DC Costume = savage!