Saturday 29 March 2008

Lucky Streak!!!

Luckiest week ever!

1. Won a bottle of whiskey at work!
2. Found five pounds on the street!
3. Bought a lottery ticket! (jury's still out on whether this was lucky or not. have to check the numbers now!)


Grassyllama said...

good god char, I didn't realize how often you updated you blog. it's fabulous! I haven't been checking it and so I was quite happy when there were 3 new blog entries for me to read. Keep up the good work! My blog, on the other hand,has gone to shize. I was going to muster up the energy to do a new post but I've been in an awful mood for the past 3 days. HA! This comment is becoming quite long-winded. better go! love ya, madge

AJK said...

that IS a lucky week! whiskey a go go

Jody said...

wow you have all the luck...bring it on lottery ticket!