Saturday 29 March 2008

Catch-Up Blog!

I have been m.i.a. on the blog front lately so here is what's been going on! I got an early birthday present from my parents and was VERY suprised to find it was a mountain bike!!! William had it all assembled by the time I got home from work and didn't even let me guess what it was. It was a total surprise and I bought a helmet and lock today so we can finally go for a ride tomorrow. Can't wait!

I spent my birthday weekend in Ireland. Francie, Bobby, William and I had a fab time at Mario's for our birthday dinner and then of course, it was on to the rugby club. We danced it up and a guy Francie didn't know wiped her forehead because it was so sweaty. Kind of odd but nice I suppose.

I have to give shout-out to Booter, as well, because we went on a great walk with him. He has really come of age and is a full grown dog now! This is one of his 'senior pictures.'

William and I flew back to Ireland a day earlier then planned because two of his friends came to Edinburgh to surprise him. He was TOTALLY surprised, which is always fun, and we all had a good night out on Tuesday. Our flatmates Carolyn and Kenny were out as well, and we ended up doing karaoke all night. William and I sang Endless Love (not our pick!), which was interesting to say the least. I also sang Loveshack with one of Carolyn's friends, which was much easier because I could yell and not attempt to sing. Great night!


AJK said...

great update. ENDLESS LOVE?!!! HAHAHAHA

AJK said...

PS- booter is HUGE

Nancy said...

Definitely a lucky streak, and love all the pics! Only wish you had a video of tyou at the mike. Perhaps a reprise in Seattle.